The launch vehicle Soyuz has three stages and is able to transport a payload of over 7 tons into the earth orbit.
The first stage of the rocket consists of four collateral blocks; each of these blocks is 19.8 m long and has a diameter of maximum 2.68 m. The blocks possess a liquid-propergol-engine with four main thrust chambers and two pivoting thrust chambers, and they can generate a total thrust of 941 kN in vacuum.
The second stage is formed from a central block with a length of nearly 28 m and a maximum diameter of 9.95 m. The liquid-propergol-engine has four main thrust chambers (two pivoting thrust chambers), which generate a thrust of 96 tons in vacuum.
The third stage is a block with a length of 8.1 m and a diameter of 2.66 m. This block has a fourchamber-liquid-propergol-engine (including four pivoting chambers), which generate a thrust of 298 kN in vacuum.
The rocket loaded with the space transporter Soyuz TM weighs about 310 tons at the launch. The first and the second stage are fired coeval for the launch of the rocket. The second stage continuous burning after the eject of the four collateral blocks. The third stage fires when the fuel of the second stage is exhausted. All stages are powered with a mixture of cerosine and oxygen. The total length of the rocket with the space transporter Soyuz TM is 49 m and the maximum diameter is 10.3 m.